19 Sept 2010

What is A Dental Implant

Today, the preferred method of tooth replacement is a dental implant. They replace missing tooth roots and form a stable foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth.
Dental implants also help preserve the remaining bone by providing the stimulation previously provided by the natural tooth roots.

Dental implants are similar to teeth in that they mimic the shape of the roots of teeth. They can be used to support individual teeth or to help anchor removable dentures.

Using local anaesthetic, the implants are surgically placed under the gum and into the bone. The healing period for dental implants vary depending on the location and the health of the bone. 
The healing period for dental implants vary depending on the location and the health of the bone. It can be as little as six weeks or as much as six months. Some form of aesthetic temporization is always placed in visible areas. Once the Implant is biologically attached to the bone ,a post (abutment) is connected on to the implant.

The post becomes the extension to which a crown is attached. Implants are made of a bio-compatible material called titanium, which cannot decay. One advantage of implants is that they stimulate bone growth, and thus, prevent future bone loss. Some of the advantages of choosing dental implants are as follow:

• Maintain Anatomy: If you have missing teeth, the bone begins to shrink over time. Unhealthy bone loss can make your jaw line recede and change your facial structure. Dental implants can help prevent deterioration of the jawbone so your face retains its natural shape.

• Keep your healthy teeth: A better long-term alternative to bridgework, dental implants eliminate the need to grind down healthy teeth when replacing one or more adjacent teeth. Your own natural healthy teeth are not compromised.

• Security: Securely anchored dental implants do not slip or move. This eliminates some of the key problems of dentures, including poor fit, gum irritation and pain from exposed nerves. The result is superior comfort, reliability, and freedom from embarrassment.

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