24 Oct 2010

Dental Implant Procedure

First Appointment
The first visit consists of a consultation. During this essential dental x-rays are obtained and the area where implants will be placed is evaluated to make sure that the quality of the bone is good and quantity of the surrounding bone is sufficient to support an implant.  A diagnostic impression is also taken.

Second Appointment
The implant is placed in the jaw bone and allowed to heal and incorporate with the surrounding bone. The time it takes for a dental implant to integrate with the hard tissues varies between 4-6 months.  Some of the main factors that can affect healing include the location of placement, general health of the patient, quality of bone , health of the surrounding area where implant is placed, type of dental implant used, and oral hygiene of the individual. All these factors can determine how fast and how well the implant will integrate.  After a dental implant is placed it can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months before the final restoration is completed.  Implant placement is completed with just local anesthesia and the whole procedure is performed under sterile conditions.

Third Appointment
Impression for a crown is taken. Your implant dentist will attach an impression piece to the implant and obtain a dental impression for the crown.  In case of an implant supported overdenture, it will begin with the fabrication process begins with the final impression of the surrounding tissues and dental implants.

Fourth Appointment 
The new crown is tried in place on the implants, to confirm a perfect fit and good color match with surrounding teeth, and is finally cemented in place.
An implant-supported denture with the teeth set in wax would be evaluated for aesthetics, function, proper speech and stability.  Adjustments are made if needed.  Any changes to the position of teeth to improve cosmetics and speech should be made during this visit. Denture is sent to a dental laboratory for the final processing.

Fifth Appointment
Implant-supported overdenture is delivered.  Special overdenture fixtures are attached to the dental implants and the denture is tried in.  The implant-supported denture should have excellent stability.  The dentist can modify the retention of the denture if necessary. Slight bite adjustment will be made to ensure an even perfect bite.


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