25 Nov 2012

Cost of Dental Implants in Preston

How much do dental implants cost in Lancashire?  There is not a single direct answer to this question as prices for Dental Implants can vary based on the location of the dental implant clinic. They can also vary based on the reputation and experience of the dental implant dentist involved in your procedure; there are also many different variables that affect the cost of implants.

  1. The Implant Fixture 

The type and the brand of implant used will significantly have an impact on the cost.  Some brands are much more expensive than others and will require the dentist to charge a higher fee depending on the grade of the titanium used or if there are any additional coatings on the surface of the implant. Various other factors, such as the quality of the bone at the implant site, will at times justify the need for more expensive implants.  Overall the national average for dental implant prices ranges from £2200 - £3200.  However, this is not your final price. 

2.       The Abutment Type

After the implant fixture has healed, your implant dentist will decide which type of abutment will be screwed into the implant.  The choice is either a pre-fabricated or a cosmetic customized abutment. Cosmetic abutments are much more expensive and are used in situations where the implants were placed on an angle or where pre-fabricated abutments will not achieve the desired aesthetic. More advanced form of Customized abutments are ceramic. These abutments are more expensive but are ideal choice of the aesthetic areas, i.e.  front regions, especially if you display quite a bit of gum when you smile. The type of abutment chosen by the dentist for your individual case will affect the cost of this portion of the implant restoration.

3.       The Implant Crown

When your implant fixture has healed and the abutment has been placed your implant dentist is ready to place the final implant crown. There is a significant variation in cost depending upon the type of materials used to make the crown and the dental laboratory that fabricates the crown.
Your implant crown can either be made from a base metal (precious metal, i.e. gold) covered with porcelain, or from ceramic. Depending on the type of the dental laboratory, the cost of the crown can vary, as a talented technician tends to charge more for their artistic, detail-oriented crowns.

The final aesthetic result can be much more realistic in the mouth, and many patients feel this is well worth the additional cost, especially if the tooth being replaced is in the front of the mouth.

4.       The Need for Bone grafts

If there is inadequate amount of bone present to place the implant and have it adequately Retaining and fusing to the jawbone, In this case bone grafts are often needed to ensure the quantity and quality of bone is sufficient to support an implant. There is usually an additional fee incurred if bone grafts are needed.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental implants, or if you would like to learn more about what  dental implants cost , please contact you Dental Implants Centre in Preston on 01772 - 726932


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